

The Viral Core Facility designs and provides researchers with high quality AAV stocks for both in vivo and in vitro experiments. Researchers may submit an order for the AAV of their own design (see the Submit Your Own Plasmid section below for further instructions). Alternatively, researchers may browse through the Core Facility Plasmid Database to search for existing designs. Please note that the Core Facility does not own the plasmids submitted directly by other labs. Researchers intending to use those plasmids should obtain the consent of and the plasmids from the lab of original submission.

The Viral Core Facility also aid in the design, cloning, and production of new AAV vectors. For consultation, please email [email protected].


Submit Your Own Plasmid

If you are not providing the AAV plasmid, then go to the bottom of this page and place the order directly.

If you are providing the AAV plasmid, it is your responsibility to verify the plasmid sequence, purity and integrity before hand. A faulty plasmid will lead to a non-functional AAV or a very low titer AAV. Please take your time to double check the plasmid before placing an order. We are mandated to charge for AAV production even if the customer provides a faulty plasmid. The recombinant AAV is just a gene delivery vector and it will not fix a plasmid problem.

Please provide at least 280µg of endotoxin free plasmid DNA at a concentration of 1µg/µl or higher. AAV plasmids should be grown in Stbl3 competent E. coli.

We cannot guarantee a minimum viral titer or purity under the following circumstances:

  • There is a mutation in the plasmid.
  • The plasmid encodes for a toxic, oncogenic, pro-apoptotic gene product.
  • Oversized plasmid >4.9 kb from ITR to ITR including the ITRs.
  • Double-stranded and self-complementary genomes.

To verify the plasmid quality, please attach a full annotated plasmid map and an image of an agarose gel with:

    • Lane 1: Molecular weight marker
    • Lane 2: Uncut plasmid
    • Lane 3: SmaI (or XmaI) digestion indicating the expected and observed fragment length to verify ITR integrity
    • Lane 4: Restriction digest to show intactness of expression cassette.